Drop-out and drop-in
My career as a winemaker is full of curves and deviations, but in the end it led me back to the place where everything began. Childhood and youth were shaped by the farmhouse of my parents, the woods surrounding it and the cattle grazing in the fields; but it was also influenced by vineyards and wines, already produced then. Nevertheless after school I took another professional road and learned to be a mechanic only to end up again as a farmer. Absolutely essential for my development as a quality winemaker were the three years between 1993 and 1996 in which I have worked at Franz Hirtzberger’s vineyard. After this stint I took a last but long deviation at the Lagerhaus in Spitz, a centre for agricultural product. There I learned what you need in the vineyards and cellar beside grapes to produce wine but also – and that is even more decisive – what you don’t need. In the meantime I restarted to work on my family´s vineyards and since 2005 I am able to dedicate all my time to our vines and terraces.
[:de]»Ich lasse das Wetter sprechen, reagiere darauf, versuche aber nicht durch Eingriffe den künftigen Wein unnötig zu beeinflussen. Ich gebe den Trauben Zeit, lege Wert auf eine lange Vegetationsperiode und lese möglichst dann, wenn die Trauben sich in einem perfekten Säure-Zucker Gleichgewicht befinden.«
Weiterlesen[:en]»I believe in a long vegetation period because the grapes accumulate additional aromas and extracts in the last weeks before the harvest. I do not trust in simple sugar analyses but taste the grapes before I harvest them and I am a firm believer in perfect balances and good acidity levels.«
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Family Piewald
Gut am Steg 2
A-3620 Spitz
Marktgemeinde Spitz: www.spitz-wachau.at
Donau-Niederösterreich: www.donau.com
Alpina: www.alpinawein.de Dallmayr: www.dallmayr-versand.de